Nicely packaged in a box, ethically sourced Palo Santo, and a beautiful gift for someone special, like yourself. A collaboration between Gravesco Pottery + Floweriing Moon, here's their description. "Gratitude, cleansing, meditating, space clearing and blessings are just a few of the ways that ethically sourced palo santo can improve your spiritual practice and well being. It’s not incense to be lit because you want a room to smell good, it’s so much more. It is sacred, must be ethical and used with clear intent.With a long history as a holy wood whose smoke is healing it is no surprise that during the stay at home lockdowns during the pandemic many people are turning to palo santo to relieve stress and create a stronger connection with ritual. It is my desire to offer a Palo Santo ritual kit that encourages you to celebrate the sacred nature of this sacred smoke and offers an option for using sacred herbs as something more than just air freshener. For decades, palo santo has been my first choice when I bring something new into my home that I want to smudge, when I want to meditate on gratitude or when it is time to do a simple smudge to clear my home. I even use it as an intentional shift from the busy work of running a production studio to sitting at the wheel and making pottery. It creates a threshold between the ordinary and elevated.Designing a vessel to enhance that ritual was a pleasure. The Palo Santo Burning Bowl will hold the palo santo safely aloft to allow for smudging without the danger of fire from a glowing ember falling onto something unexpected. Includes 3 sticks of ethically sourced Palo Santo and an instruction card from Deb Swingholm of Flowering Moon."
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