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This monograph, written by myself, during a time of study growing the plant and/or gathering of information. I will cite any direct quotes where needed. You may also do the same for your study, and please give credit where credit is due. It may also include questions that may have arisen during my study.

Angelica Angelica archangelica

aka Angelica officinalis

Angelica atropurpurea has been used in place. It is a N American native plant. Is called “Bear Medicine” by indigenous cultures.

DO NOT confuse with Chinese angelica Angelica sinensis

Family: Apiaceae

Origin: Northern Europe (Seria? But moved to cooler European climates) Norway, Sweden, Finland indigenous cultures?

Description/Morphology: Biennial can grow up 6 ft tall hollow stems

Habitat: Found near damp sites with running H2O. At my farm I provide consistent irrigation.

Growing: Seeds should be fresh and will need cold-moist stratification. I like to sow seeds in February in a flat then allow them to sit outside over the winter. You can also sow seeds in the autumn, which will naturally allow them to experience the temperature fluctuations needed.

Parts Used: The stems and seeds are used for confectionary (candied is French tradition?). Roots and leaves for medicine (this is NOT Osha, which is what I believe Mathew Wood is talking about. Osha is the bear medicine plant). Roots are used for gin and other alcohols.

Harvest: Harvest leaves and stems early summer. Gather roots in the fall of year 1. Seeds will be produced in year two. Flattened dried roots are how it is sold in the medicinal marketplace. I have harvested roots, chopped and dehydrated 125 degrees for 12 hours.

Taste/Uses: Expectorant for coughs. Digestif. Eases rheumatic inflammation. Bitter, sweet, oily, warming, stimulating. Burning roots for aromatic and dream work. Pungent. Helps stop smoking or drinking alcohol as it changes their taste. Tea calms nerves and helps in moments of cravings, per Matthew Wood who recommends 1 tsp macerated root in 1 cup water. Allow to sit overnight, strain, and drink 1/3 before each meal *SEE ABOVE NOTE

September 2023, I harvested a stem and licked it (the cut end) and turpentine flavor, which I am thinking would be the pinene. It wasn’t very pleasant. Will candy some to see how this turns out. I’m curious to learn if it has different flavors throughout the season. Also the root flavor.

Constituents: essential oils including phellandrene (a and b) and pinene, angelica acid, coumarin, bitter principal, tannin.

Actions: Carminative, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, aromatic, pectoral, stimulant, tonic, warming, improves blood flow.

Energetics: warm moist


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